What are the transparency challenges?

The Notice of meeting is the only opportunity to communicate directly with your shareholders. This is an opportunity to show them that your governance, your activity and your compensation policy are in line with your strategy. The challenges:

  • a didactic structure that conveys information to inform voting;
  • a clear message encouraging its adoption by your shareholders;
  • an opportunity to build trust and preference among your readers;
  • a reader-oriented document in line with financial market best practices.

Improve your Notice of meeting brochure

Audit and consulting

  • Benchmark
  • Diagnostic and 360° advice for your Notice of meeting brochure
  • Expert diagnostic and advice in financial communication, transparency, reading ergonomics, clarity of language and governance.

Graphic and ergonomic design

  • We propose a detailed outline adapted to your objectives and the needs and expectations of your readers
  • Creative design: cover, computer graphics, informational illustrations on the constitution of the Board, its role and activities, etc.
  • Design and layout using the best standards in reading ergonomics

Language and translation

  • Writing and rewriting in Plain Language
  • Multilingual and specialized translation

Production and distribution

  • Use of EOL (Edit On Line), our collaborative publishing platform
  • Digital printing and adaptations for various media

A few customers

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They entrust their Notice of meeting brochure to us

A big thank you for your unwavering support in preparing this brochure!


Thank you once again for your involvement on the final production stretch of our documents leading up to our GM. The timing was very tight in the end, but thanks to you, we kept to the deadline.


Thank you for your responsiveness and adaptability
