What are the transparency challenges?

Switching to ESEF format will allow you to make your data:

  • more accessible by machines such as search engines, whether on Google or your corporate site. Consequently, it will be more accessible to the general public, to advisors and investors who will have faster, more reliable and wider access to this market data. They will then be able to concentrate on analyzing the data rather than finding information.
  • more comparable, by enabling machines and artificial intelligence to create open databases to compare and visualize the financial data of all European companies.
  • easier for you and investor relations to analyze to measure how your information is used… in order to improve it!


Find out more about the challenges of financial reporting

Improve your ESEF reporting

Labrador offers comprehensive support for your ESEF reporting, adapted to the context and strategic choices of your company. Our aim? To simplify your life today and prepare for tomorrow. Our services:

Anticipate and structure your data according to the ESEF taxonomy to prepare for conversion to XBRL.

Consulting and mapping with an expert taxonomist (preparation of iXBRL files)

Prepare your files, produce them in HTML, and convert them to xHTML and iXBRL.

  • Word and InDesign preparation for xHTML
  • Convert to xHTML/iXBRL format from any type of file/process
  • Production and constitution of your information directly in HTML on EOL

Embed XBRL-tagged data in your source document.

Automatic or manual labeling of data during or after production.

Unleash the full potential of HTML design and ergonomics.

Help you move from a design and print ergonomic to a design and web ergonomic.

Check the document before, during and after production.

  • Copy preparation, compatibility check, proofreading, quality control, optimization and calibration of html and xbrl tags, pre-print checks
  • Certification of compliance of the file submitted (xHTML)

Adapt your document to suit different formats.

Creation of formats adapted for your readers: PDF, print, dynamic html, dedicated website, etc.

Our vision for your project


We secure the entire transformation chain of your information in xHTML format by selecting or developing open solutions, that meeting our demanding requirements and for each stage of your production process.


We do not sell a tool, we provide solutions for your ESEF reporting by adapting to all your choices and your specific requirements.


We minimize the operational impact for you (budget, production process, documents)


We maximize the potential of corporate information in xHTML by creating new reading standards and augmented HTML versions.

Unique expertise in the market

Leader in France, with more than 25 years of expertise in conveying information and ergonomic design, Labrador is the only player in the market that combines technical expertise, complete control of platform production and experience in HTML/XBRL filing in the United States.

Our demanding standards are our driving force to provide you with:

  • the best technologies and business innovations;
  • ultra-secure production tools;
  • senior project management and unique expertise (20 business lines, 60 people);
  • increasingly efficient production (time -4% on average/year);
  • synergies between consulting, creation, translation and production teams;
  • a process adapted to your constraints;
  • annual quality and satisfaction monitoring;
  • a 24/7 hotline service.


Request a quote

They entrust their ESEF reporting to us.

Dear Labrador team, A quick word to thank you for all the work done in recent weeks. I am delighted that we were able to file in xbrl on time. We are the only entity of the Société Générale Group to have succeeded in this, and the only one of our auditors, which makes us very proud! This performance was also achieved thanks to you so I would like to say a big thank you! I hope you can enjoy some well-deserved rest.

ALD Automotive

Thank you again for your help, the quality of our interactions and your work in this particular context of the ESEF!


A big thank you to the Labrador teams for setting up this first ESEF project. Having anticipated all stages, the production of this new format went very well.

Maisons du Monde